
Halloween | Pranks\Jokes

Monday, 28 October 2013

Hey Guys!

Its less then a week away from Halloween, so why not do a blog on how to scare people. I always like to scare people, its fun and gives people around them a good laugh. Also i'll throw in some jokes to spice up your day. Lets start. BOO! Did I scare you, no, okay.


Why do witches fly around on broomsticks?
                                                      Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
 Witch who?
Witch one of you can fix my broomstick?

What do ghosts serve for dessert?
Ice scream!


1) If you don't mind the cold on Halloween, dress up in an costume with mask. Crazier the better and then stand still outside. When people come to your house they will think that it's just a decoration and some trick or treaters might take picture with it. Right when they are about to take the picture, start to move. It will freak them right out. It sure made me jump or you know what, if they don't take a picture just follow them to the door. 

2) Classic leafs in a hole. Fill up a hole in your yard with leafs and watch as they fall, but then help them get back up of course. :)

3) Handing out candy on Halloween? Dress up in a costume, open door and candy bag. Then say "trick or treat" (try your best not to laugh) as if you get candy from them. After stare at them and look confused.

There you have it, some jokes and pranks for great laughs and loads of fun. 
Happy Halloween and be safe!

Smile always and care for others xx

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Hey Guys!

Well hello there, glad to see you, I mean hear you. Umm... that's not right either. Glad you came and checked out my blog. Yep much better. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. What are you thankful for? I get asked this question almost ever Thanksgiving at the dinner table, and honesty its super hard to answer. This is mostly because I never really take time to really think how luckily and grateful I really am. 

 Lets break it down, meaning what makes you thankful for what you have. Being thankful is thinking about all the positive things in life you have, or where you are, ect.. because not everyone has what you have. Many times we may over look on what we have and to the point where we expect it, like fresh water, shelter, or even this device that your parents or you have money to buy it. What if its all taken away tomorrow no money, no food, no shelter, no electricity, no fresh water, no nothing. Its very unlikely, but just think about it, take a moment and just think. Done thinking and well we still have something to be thankful for, we all do. For example having eyes to see, ears to hear, feet to walk or being able to read. 

Below are some videos that I found, in which applies to this topic.

 This year in July Hamed Al-Raisi and Jacinda Short made a video where they asked people near Massey University what they are thankful for? Some gave pretty interesting responses in the video Here 
 Another video I found Here
 So just remember... 
 There is always, always, always something to be thankful for. 
 For me I am thankful for my family. 

 Smile always and care for others xx


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